An online portal has been developed to host the grant application. The application will create an account for both Phases, Design and Construction. General information will be used for both phases ,and as you continue through the program, you will be asked to provide specific information for each phase.
For additional details about the application process, review the Seismic Retrofit Grant Program Rules.
The portal will provide step by step guidance and each section identifies the following:
Applicants can review the application check list and begin to compile the required information.
Applicant and Building Information will be used for both design and construction application phases.
Grants will be paid as reimbursements to approved applicants for qualifying costs associated with seismic retrofits. (See the Reimbursement Process sections below.)
Available grant sizes vary depending on the type of project. Applicants may apply for both a Design Grant and a Construction Grant for each project.
Design Grants will be capped as shown in the table below. Design Grants may not exceed 75% of actual documented design expenditures related to the seismic retrofit of the building.
Construction Grants will be capped as shown in the table below based on actual construction costs, including contractor fees and the cost of special inspections. Construction Grants cannot exceed 75% of the permit valuation or actual retrofit costs, whichever is lower.